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Build Your Own Pipeline Components

Building your own components for Kubeflow Pipelines.

This page is for advanced users. It describes how to build your own pipeline components. For an easier start, try building a pipeline with the provided samples.

Overview of pipeline components

Kubeflow Pipelines components are implementations of pipeline tasks. Each task takes one or more artifacts as input and may produce one or more artifacts as output.

Each task usually includes two parts:

Client code The code that talks to endpoints to submit jobs. For example, code to talk to the Google Dataproc API to submit a Spark job.

Runtime code The code that does the actual job and usually runs in the cluster. For example, Spark code that transforms raw data into preprocessed data.

Note the naming convention for client code and runtime code—for a task named “mytask”:

  • The program contains the client code.
  • The mytask directory contains all the runtime code.

A component consists of an interface (inputs/outputs), the implementation (a Docker container image and command-line arguments) and metadata (name, description).

Components can be instantiated inside the pipeline function to create tasks.

There are multiple ways to author components:

  • Wrap an existing Docker container image using ContainerOp, as described below.
  • Create a lightweight python component from a Python function
  • Build a new Docker container image from a Python function.

Example: XGBoost DataProc components

Requirements for building a component

Install Docker.

Step One: Create a container for each component

In most cases, you need to create your own container image that includes your program. See the
container building examples. (In the directory, go to any subdirectory and then go to the containers directory.)

If your component creates some outputs to be fed as inputs to the downstream components, each output must be a string and must be written to a separate local text file by the container image. For example, if a trainer component needs to output the trained model path, it writes the path into a local file /output.txt. In the Python class (in step three), you have the chance to specify how to map the content of local files to component outputs.

Step Two: Create a Python class for your component

The Python classes describe the interactions with the Docker container image created in step one. For example, a component to create confusion matrix data from prediction results looks like this:

class ConfusionMatrixOp(kfp.dsl.ContainerOp):

  def __init__(self, name, predictions, output_path):
    super(ConfusionMatrixOp, self).__init__(
      command=['python', '/ml/'],
        '--output', '%s/{{}}/confusionmatrix' % output_path,
        '--predictions', predictions
     file_outputs={'label': '/output.txt'})


  • Each component needs to inherit from kfp.dsl.ContainerOp.
  • If you already defined ENTRYPOINT in the container image, you don’t need to provide command unless you want to override it.
  • In the init arguments, there can be Python native types (such as str, int) and kfp.dsl.PipelineParam types. Each kfp.dsl.PipelineParam represents a parameter whose value is usually only known at run time. It might be a pipeline parameter whose value is provided at pipeline run time by user, or it can be an output from an upstream component. In the above case, predictions and output_path are kfp.dsl.PipelineParam types.
  • Although the value of each PipelineParam is only available at run time, you can still use the parameters inline in the argument (note the “%s”). This means at run time the argument contains the value of the param inline.
  • file_outputs lists a map between labels and local file paths. In the above case, the content of /output.txt is gathered as a string output of the operator. To reference the output in code:

    op = ConfusionMatrixOp(...)

If there is only one output then you can also do op.output.

Step Three: Create your workflow as a Python function

Each pipeline is identified as a Python function. For example:

  name='TFX Trainer',
  description='A trainer that does end-to-end training for TFX models.'
def train(
    target=kfp.dsl.PipelineParam('target', value='tips'),
    learning_rate=kfp.dsl.PipelineParam('learning-rate', value=0.1),
    hidden_layer_size=kfp.dsl.PipelineParam('hidden-layer-size', value='100,50'),
    steps=kfp.dsl.PipelineParam('steps', value=1000),
    slice_columns=kfp.dsl.PipelineParam('slice-columns', value='trip_start_hour'),
    true_class=kfp.dsl.PipelineParam('true-class', value='true'),
    need_analysis=kfp.dsl.PipelineParam('need-analysis', value='true'),


  • @kfp.dsl.pipeline is a required decoration including name and description properties.
  • Input arguments show up as pipeline parameters in the Kubeflow Pipelines UI. As a Python rule, positional args go first and keyword args go next.
  • Each function argument is of type kfp.dsl.PipelineParam. The default values should all be of that type. The default values show up in the Kubeflow Pipelines UI but can be overwritten.

See an example.

Lightweight Python components

You can also build lightweight components from Python functions. See the guide to lightweight python components.

Export metrics

See the guide to pipeline metrics.